



To thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) and CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee on strengthening legislative work, explore the theory of socialist legislation with Chinese characteristics for a new era, participate in legislative practice, and strengthen the construction of the legislative discipline as well as provide intellectual services for local and national legislation, Zhejiang University has established the Zhejiang Legislative Research Institute and has set up Zhejiang University Legislative Research Institute as an on-campus research institute.

Established on 20 January 2018, Zhejiang Legislative Research Institute was at first an independent legal person, and then it turned into a registered public institution. Zhejiang University Legislative Research Institute, set up and led by Zhejiang University, was established on 22 January 2018. Zhejiang Legislative Research Institute coordinates its work and shares intellectual achievements with Zhejiang University Legislative Research Institute.

In 2019, Zhejiang Legislative Research Institute (Zhejiang University Legislative Research Institute) was nominated as a source think tank of China Think Tank Index (CTTI). In 2021, Zhejiang Legislative Research Institute (Zhejiang University Legislative Research Institute) was approved as one of the new key professional think tanks in Zhejiang Province.




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